• Do you want to be confident this summer?

    I hear there are some nasty winter storms up north… so I moved my work outside because it is gorgeous here!!

    but holy moly. putting on my bathing suit makes me more motivated then ever to stay committed to my meal plan and having my virtual bootcamp babes keeping me on track too. these suits are getting a wee bit tight and I do not want to buy bigger suits and jean shorts.

    who else wants to hold each other accountable to feel confident this summer? application to join is ⬇️⬇️

  • Are you ready for February?

    Man! can the time just slow down? How do you want your February to go? 
    Do you have goals you are striving for? 
    A promotion? 
    Maybe you just want to be more focused in your time?
    Or finally Marie Kondo your house?

    Whatever it is, you are capable! Lets bring lots of love, joy, and happiness in February! ?