• The Choice that Changed My Life Forever

    5 years ago, I was working as a corporate branch administrator and I hated every minute of it. The only way I was ever going to get promoted was if I moved up north and I wasn’t about to do that with a husband in the Navy who couldn’t move around.


    My biggest frustrations were…

    ? I had a college degree that didn’t help my pay increase.
    ? I worked on the weekends and was gone frequently in the Army Reserves
    ?I really only got to see my kids on the weekends I didn’t have Army

    And I was soooo tired of it all.

    I was sick of living paycheck to paycheck. I was tired of being stressed all the time. Tired of not being comfortable around other people or having any other identity other than “MOM” and “employee”.

    I was TIRED of feeling like crap, thinking IS THIS IT?? Is this really all there is in life? Was this all I was ever going to achieve?

    I didn’t have a passion for anything but I knew that my life was not on the path I wanted it to be on.

    So, one day I made a choice. Little did I know that it would change my life. Forever.

     I was presented with an opportunity that I was skeptical about at first. But I wanted so badly to be out of the situation I was in.
    I wanted freedom to do what I wanted, when I wanted. I hated working for someone else. I wanted to be my own boss. I hated the rush to and from work and I absolutely hated Mondays.
    I wanted to be HAPPY. I wanted to be CONFIDENT.

    I wanted to be ME again.

    So I went all in on this crazy fitness business.

     And the result was…I have been able to impact so many lives because I made one little decision.
    And THOSE people have been able to pay it forward and help other people.

    That is the most amazing part of all this, so many lives get to be inspired and empowered to becoming healthier and happier.

    I’m looking for those who are ready to give up living the status quo and thinking they are stuck where they are forever, those who want to help others and make an impact on lives by sharing their own journey, and who are ready to get uncomfortable and to fight their way out of being in debt and building someone else’s dream.

    If this is you, drop your email below or email me at [email protected]

    ***and because its obvious but Team Beachbody® does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. (aka work hard and you will be rewarded)
  • Spring Cleaning; 5 ways to Renew Your New Year's Resolutions

    So here we are, already in April.


    Why are we talking about New Year’s Resolutions?

    Because spring is the perfect time to renew your fitness goals.

    Especially if by now, you find yourself off track a bit.

    I know, I know…life happens.

    I’ve been there too.

    I see the patterns so vividly. At the beginning of the year I’m like a horse ready to dart out the gate, charging towards my goal(s).

    By mid-year those same goals suddenly feel unattainable and overwhelming.

    Why is that?

    Desperate for answers, I’ve done my research on this topic and not surprisingly it’s a pretty common thing.

    According to a recent study, 38% of Americans never even make it to their resolutions. Only 8% are successful in achieving their resolution.

    I’ve learned over the years that with the right tools though, you can easily get back on track.

    First things first – refuse to listen to that voice that says “It’s too late. Why bother?”

    Also, know that there is no better day than today to restart your fitness journey.  It is never too late.


    It doesn’t matter if you’ve skipped out on the last few weeks, or several months.

    So let’s look at 5 ways to help you reset and stick to your goals:

    1. Decide if you want to maintain your current weight or if you want to be ambitious and lose weight (or gain muscle).
    2. Plan your week on Sunday.  Look ahead and see what days you have commitments and other outings or get-togethers. Schedule your workouts around them so that they fit into your schedule for the week. You might have to get up a bit earlier to pop in that DVD, but by scheduling your workouts into your calendar you’ll be more likely to stick to them. Sunday is also a good day to prep your meals for the week too.
    3. Skip on-the-go meals. Try to cook at home as much as possible.  With kids spring sports in full effect, you may be spending a lot of your time out and about more often this month.   The only way you can make sure you’re eating healthy is by cooking the meals yourself.  Think easy, fresh, light, proteins and veggies. Crockpots are great for busy week nights. Plus, you’ll end up saving money by cooking at home too.
    4. Keep snacks handy – It’s easy to go for long periods without eating or drinking water, especially when we’re busy. Keep shake mixes, protein bars or other healthy snacks in your car and in your purse.  This way you avoid pulling in the drive-thru because you feel ravenous.
    5. Skip the latest and greatest coffee drinks – Yes, they sure are tasty, but drinking just one of them could cost you over 500 calories!  Same goes for alcoholic beverages. Pay attention to what’s in them and how many you drink. Enjoy drinks with nonfat milk and low or no sugar flavoring.

    Most of all, have fun and enjoy the sun. Spend time outdoors.

    By planning to take care of yourself and recommit to your goals this month, you eliminate the struggle in the upcoming months.


    P.S. I am currently looking for those who would like to start their fitness journey! Click here to apply to join my next accountability group to reaching your fitness goals! http://bit.ly/1TrjBqW