• What are you grateful for?

    How do you find gratitude? Are you having trouble finding it this week? Some days its REALLY hard to find the light through the dark. Maybe some of these questions can help!
    Who in your life are you grateful for that is a great friend? 
    Helps out when you need it? 
    Gives you advice when you need it? 
    Maybe you are grateful for your health. 
    A roof over your head. 
    For your doggies who are always happy to see you. 
    For your job that is consistent and provides.

    What brings you joy? You may not see it yet, but its that gratitude that allows you to be joyful.

    Want to join me? Fill out the form below.

  • A number doesn’t define self worth…

    ❌???? ?????? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ?????❌.

    That number does not make you any more or less happy and have any more or less self love or worth.So why is it that we think getting to a certain number is going to magically change everything??

    Focusing on weight loss is not a bad thing. And I weigh myself daily to track my goals. But that number doesnt make my self worth any more or less.

    we often think “well so and so is 123 lbs so I need to be 123 lbs”. FALSE. every person is different genetically. I am 170 lbs. I still had a thicker bottom half at 148 lbs (the lowest I ever was since age 18). and what 170lbs looks like on me, can look VERY different on someone else.

    Ladies, let’s stop the comparison and putting so much negative energy on the scale. it’s a tool and used to show what is happening with our bodies. But it doesnt tell us our self worth or all the non scale victories like:
    ➡️ more energy
    ➡️ less brain fog
    ➡️ clothes fitting better
    ➡️ able to do physical activities without getting out of breath
    ➡️ better lab tests

    no more wishing you looked like someone and just become a healthier version of YOU.

    What are you waiting for? Join me, fill out the form below.