
Are you ready to make that ONE commitment to yourself?

Shout out to my high school bestie who made one decision that is changing her life! So proud of you jes!! ?

To decide that you don’t have to wait til after the holidays and rise up with us and make your holiday transformation?
We start November 5th!

Fill out the form below! ?
Jes says:
“Yesterday I hated this picture. I didn’t want to show anyone. I was embarrassed and self conscious. I thought about how my life was in the picture on the left…. I never wanted to do anything, had no motivation, borderline depressed over my weight, anxiety, overeating horrible foods (anything quick), alcohol was my go to…for everything. I kept telling myself it was no big deal, the weight would come off, I just needed to get through school, then it was work, then it was something else, excuses excuses excuses…
Today, I LOVE this picture! It shows me what I have been working towards. It shows courage, strength, love, commitment, and so much more. I compare the pictures, and what I see isn’t just weight loss, it’s a happier healthier version of me ❤️
I made my New Years Resolution last year like everyone else, to lose weight and get healthier. Thanks to some amazing workout programs and nutrition guides, and to my awesome friend and high school bestie for reaching out, and continuing to push and motivate me ❤️ I have lost 25 pounds and 20 inches….and kept it off!!”