Are you ready for change? Britt was.
Everyone has this time in their life where they are just READY for change. That what they see every day has to change so they can just be HAPPY again. Can you relate?
If you are ready to do something for you, for your confidence, happiness, self worth… say READY!! below and lets get you started! the next accountability group starts on Monday!
Hear from Britt who is a fellow coach on my team!
“ I was miserable. I was depressed. I hated the way I looked in the mirror. I was resigned to the fact that this was it for me. I just couldn’t lose the weight.
The second picture is just a few months later. Someone (my hubs!) suggested that I try this new program…it was a 21 day program with a cool portion control system. Secretly I was hoping for a miracle. But I didn’t want to seem too excited because I had failed so many times before.
I’ll never forget that first day when I pushed play for the first time. I was so overwhelmed thinking about all of the weight I needed to get rid of. I was feeling like it was a mountain of a task and I wasn’t sure how to get to the top. And then I heard it… “you have to lose the first pound first.”
And the burden was lifted. No longer did I need to beat myself up for ALL THE WEIGHT…I just needed to lose 1 pound. And then 1 pound. And then another. And then another.
The change you’re seeking comes after doing the little things over and over. Consistent behaviors that will ultimately get you to your goal. Every positive choice will be reflected in the mirror. Just. Keep. Going.”
Ready to for change? Fill out the form below, lets chat!